Sunday, July 08, 2012

Smile 2wice (March 25th, 2004)

is a choice.

I laugh so hard
I lose my voice.

My distorted smiles
come at a price.

2 smile like you
I must smile twice.

Fishing for pleasure
with a miserable worm.

feeling hooked
I started to squirm.

1 comment:

  1. Three months into my stay in the county jail, I am still having bad cravings, racing thoughts, nightmares that contain getting and preparing drugs, but always always before I can use them, I wake to an empty cell . Torturous months. Pacing. Planning new crime sprees. Wanting revenge. The nurses give me Trazodone and I sleep 12 hours a day. Read a paperback everyday. Do pushups everyday. Scream and cry when alone. Laugh and smile when on walk.
