Monday, July 09, 2012

i (March 26th, 2004)

I toss my thoughts
into the depths of darkness
like pennies into a well.

I caress my dreams
in poetry and find freedom
in a jail cell.

Be free to write as if there
were no lines on the pages.

I gaze through the bars
like wild lions in cages.

What we do...
That defines who we are...
we do alone.

I need only
to close my eyes
to be home.

My sight is limited
to that in which I choose to see.

I find in the end
who I want to be...

1 comment:

  1. Quiet contemplation. My Father leaves notes at the jail about losing our apartment. I find out from "friends" that I don't really have any. The Styrofoam kingdom is crumbling. The illusion fades. I am awake. So I begin to write everyday. Escaping.
